
Name Areas of Interest Email
Sam Baidoo

Swine Nutrition

[email protected]
Kahina Boukherroub
Assistant Professor

Avian Reproductive Physiology

[email protected]
Chi Chen

Metabolomics (30% AnSc)

[email protected]
Ryan Cox
Associate Professor

Meat Science

[email protected]
Brian Crooker

Ruminant Nutritional Physiology

[email protected]
Yang Da

Quantitative & Molecular Genetics/Genomics

[email protected]
Marcia Endres
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

Dairy Cattle Production & Well-being

[email protected]
Chris Faulk
Associate Professor

Functional Genomics

[email protected]
Andres Gomez
Associate Professor


[email protected]
Isaac Haagen
Assistant Professor

Dairy cattle production and wellbeing

[email protected]
Brad Heins

Organic Dairy Production

[email protected]
Travis Hoffman
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Sheep Extension Specialist

[email protected]
Lee Johnston

Swine Nutrition & Management

[email protected]
Anup Kollanoor Johny
Associate Professor

Poultry, Interventional Microbiology, Food Safety and Quality, Higher Education and Workforce Development

[email protected]
Yuzhi Li

Swine Behavior/Alternative Production

[email protected]
Krishona Martinson
Professor, Extension Program Leader

Equine Specialist

[email protected]
Laura Mauro
Associate Professor

Cellular Physiology

[email protected]
Eric Mousel
Assistant Professor

Beef Cattle Management 

[email protected]
Scott M OGrady

Cellular Physiology

[email protected]
Melissa Palmer
Teaching Associate Professor

Animal Physiology

[email protected]
Rielle Perttu
Teaching Assistant Professor

Animal Behavior, Animal Welfare, Companion Animals, Human-Animal Interactions

[email protected]
Mary Raeth
Teaching Assistant Professor

Dairy Cattle Nutrition

[email protected]
Kyle Rozeboom
Senior Lecturer

Livestock Specialist/Youth Leadership

[email protected]
Isaac Salfer
Assistant Professor

Dairy Nutritional Physiology

[email protected]
Milena Saqui Salces
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, Associate Professor

Gastrointestinal Physiology

[email protected]
Mike Schutz
Professor, Department Head

Dairy Cattle Genetics

[email protected]
Tony Seykora
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies

Dairy Cattle Genetics, Youth Program

[email protected]
Jerry Shurson

Swine Nutrition

[email protected]
Pedro Urriola
Assistant Professor

Livestock Sustainability/Swine Production

[email protected]

Emeritus Faculty

Name Areas of Interest Email
Hugh Chester Jones
Professor Emeritus

Beef & Dairy Production

[email protected]
Douglas Foster
Professor Emeritus

Cellular and Molecular Biology; Mechanisms of Cellular Immortalization, Development of Avian Vaccines

[email protected]
Les Hansen
Professor Emeritus

Dairy Cattle Genetics

[email protected]
Marcia Hathaway
Professor Emeritus

Muscle Growth Biology/Equine Nutrition

[email protected]
Sally Noll
Professor Emeritus

Turkey Nutrition

[email protected]
Abel Ponce de Leon
Professor Emeritus

Molecular Genetics and Genomics

[email protected]
Marshall Stern
Professor Emeritus

 Ruminant & Companion Animal Nutrition

[email protected]
Mike White
Professor Emeritus

Animal Growth Biology

[email protected]