Youth Programs

Gopher Dairy Camp

The Gopher Dairy Camp, presented by the Gopher Dairy Club and the Minnesota 4-H Dairy Committee, is a fun 3-day workshop for teens to improve their dairy cattle skills. The camp is typically held in June and is open to youth who have completed grades 6 through 11 but have not yet started 12th grade.

Tour the Animal Facilities on St. Paul Campus

Tours of animal facilities, primarily of the Dairy Cattle Teaching & Research Facility, are available by appointment for groups of 5 or more. A tour is approximately 30 minutes. The cost is $2.00/visitor with a minimum cost of $20.00/tour. Please arrange your tour with us 2 weeks prior to your intended tour date. Read about Biosecurity Protocols (.pdf), which you will be required to follow during a tour. To inquire about an Animal Facility tour, please contact Drew Swartz at [email protected]

CFANS Programs & Events for Youth

More Youth Programs at the U of M

Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC)
