1364 Eckles Avenue
St Paul, MN 55108
United States
- Ph.D., Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 2019
- M.S., Animal Science, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2015
- B.S., Animal Science, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2013
Areas of Interest
Dairy Nutritional Physiology
- ANSC 4404: Applied Dairy Nutrition
- ANSC 8311: Animal Bioenergetics
- ANSC 8312: Protein Metabolism
- ANSC 8330: Concepts and Developments in Animal Science
- ANSC 4403: Ruminant Nutrition (Guest Lecturer)
- ANSC 5626: Nutritional Physiology (Guest Lecturer)
- CVM 6977: Advanced Dairy Production Medicine I (Guest Lecturer)
- Understand how circadian and seasonal rhythms impact metabolism and behavior in dairy cows to influence feed efficiency
- Study the effects of novel feeds and feed additives on rumen nitrogen and energy balance and dairy cow feed efficiency
- Study the effects of neonatal nutrition on calf growth, feed efficiency, and health
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Salfer, Isaac J, Christine E Crawford, L Whitney Rottman, and Kevin J Harvatine. "The effects of feeding rations that differ in neutral detergent fiber and starch within a day on the daily pattern of key rumen microbial populations." JDS Communications 2.6 (2021): 334-339. <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666910221001423>
Andreen, D M, I J Salfer, Y Ying, D J Reinemann, and K J Harvatine. "Technical note: Method for improving precision of in-parlor milk meters and adjusting milk weights for stall effects." Journal of Dairy Science 103.6 (2020): 5162-5169. <http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-17479>
Salfer, I J, P.A. Bartell, C.D. Dechow, and K.J. Harvatine. "Annual rhythms of milk synthesis in dairy herds in 4 regions of the United States and their relationships to environmental indicators." Journal of Dairy Science 103.4 (2020): 3696-3707. <http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-17362>
Salfer, Isaac J. and Kevin J. Harvatine. "Night-restricted feeding of dairy cows modifies daily rhythms of feed intake, milk synthesis and plasma metabolites compared with day-restricted feeding." British Journal of Nutrition 123.8 (2020): 849-858. <http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0007114520000057>
Chishti, Ghazanfar A., Isaac J. Salfer, Krum V. Nedelkov, and Tara L. Felix. "Impacts of Time-Fed Concentrate-Based Diets on Plasma Metabolites, Rumen Histology, and mRNA Expression of Hepatic Enzymes of Wethers." Animals 10.4 (2020): 686. <http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ani10040686>
Salfer, Isaac J., Samuel W. Fessenden, and Marshall D. Stern. "Evaluation of iso-α-acid and β-acid extracts from hops (Humulus lupulus L.) on fermentation by rumen microbes in dual-flow continuous culture fermenters." Animal Feed Science and Technology 260 (2020): 114385. <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2019.114385>
Chishti, G A, I J Salfer, F X Suarez-Mena, K J Harvatine, and A J Heinrichs. "Short communication: Relationships between physical form of oats in starter, rumen pH, and volatile fatty acids on hepatic expression of genes involved in metabolism and inflammation in dairy calves." Journal of Dairy Science 103.1 (2020): 439-446. <http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-16296>
Salfer, I J, C D Dechow, and K J Harvatine. "Annual rhythms of milk and milk fat and protein production in dairy cattle in the United States." Journal of Dairy Science 102.1 (2019): 742-753. <http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-15040>
Salfer, I J, M C Morelli, Y Ying, M S Allen, and K J Harvatine. "The effects of source and concentration of dietary fiber, starch, and fatty acids on the daily patterns of feed intake, rumination, and rumen pH in dairy cows." Journal of Dairy Science 101.12 (2018): 10911-10921. <http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-15071>
Ruh, Kathryn E, Bradley J Heins, Isaac J Salfer, Robert D Gardner, and Marshall D Stern. "Comparison of warm season and cool season forages for dairy grazing systems in continuous culture." Translational Animal Science 2.2 (2018): 125-134.
Salfer, I J, C Staley, H E Johnson, M J Sadowsky, and M D Stern. "Comparisons of bacterial and archaeal communities in the rumen and a dual-flow continuous culture fermentation system using amplicon sequencing." Journal of Animal Science 96.3 (2018): 1059-1072. <http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jas/skx056>
Huang, Z., P. E. Urriola, I. J. Salfer, M. D. Stern, and G. C. Shurson. "Differences in in vitro hydrolysis and fermentation among and within high-fiber ingredients using a modified three-step procedure in growing pigs." Journal of Animal Science 95.12 (2017): 5497-5506. <http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jas2017.1907>
Suazo, M., M. Socha, D. Kleinschmit, and I. Salfer. 2023. Effects of branched-chain volatile fatty acids and dietary protein concentration on milk production, feed intake, and blood metabolites in dairy cows. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. June 25-28, Ottawa, ON, CAN.
Jacobson, E., E. Shepley, W. Weber, G. Cramer, B. Crooker, and I. Salfer. 2023. Effect of Holstein genotype on lying time and motion index, feed intake, and milk production. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. June 25-28, Ottawa, ON, CAN.
Scott, M., M. Klejeski, V. Dahle, W. Hansen, and I. Salfer. 2023. Effect of milk replacer nutrition on performance and health of beef x dairy calves. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. June 25-28, Ottawa, ON, CAN.
Dufour, E., M. Klejeski, B. Zeigler, A. Golombeski, and I. Salfer. 2023. Performance and Health of Calves Fed Milk Replacer Supplemented with Increasing Levels of Choline from Birth to 8 Weeks of Age. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. June 25-28, Ottawa, ON, CAN.
Dufour, E., M. Klejeski, B. Zeigler, A. Golombeski, and I. Salfer. 2023. Performance and Health of Calves Fed Texturized Calf Starter with Oats or an Oat Alternative from Birth to 8 Weeks of Age. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. June 25-28, Ottawa, ON, CAN.
Dufour, K., M. Klejeski, D. Zeigler, B. Zeigler, M. Scott, A. Golombeski, and I. Salfer. 2022. Performance and Health of Calves Fed Milk Replacer Supplemented with Varying Levels of Lactoferrin from Birth to 8 Weeks of Age. June 19-22, Kansas City, MO.
Kamau, K., B. Thorpe, K. Meier, M. Endres and I. Salfer. 2022. Effects of Automated Feeding Systems on Cow Performance and TMR Consistency. June 19-22, Kansas City, MO.
Ravelo, A.D., D.M. Moreira, M. Ruch, E. Shepley, I. Salfer and L.S. Caixeta. 2022. The association between hyperketonemia and blood and rumen parameters in the first two weeks postpartum. June 19-22, Kansas City, MO
Kamau, Kevin, Rebecca Bomberger, Kevin Harvatine, and Isaac Salfer. The impact of season on daily rhythms of body temperature and milk synthesis. Journal of Dairy Science.
Salfer, Isaac, Cesar Matamoros, and Kevin Harvatine. Glucose tolerance appears to follow a daily rhythm in dairy cows. Vol. 103, Suppl. 1. 2020: 148.
Sanchez, William, Katrina Johnson, Kevin Harvatine, and Isaac Salfer. Annual rhythms of feed intake and milk production in the western United States and relationships to management strategies. 2020.
Matamoros, C I, Brian A Harsch, Isaac J Salfer, Richard P Shepardson, Greg C Shearer, and Kevin J Harvatine. Characterization of fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids, a novel class of bioactive lipids, in milk fat of cows supplemented with stearic and palmitic acid. Vol. 103, Suppl. 1. 2020: 65.
Matamoros, Cesar, Isaac Salfer, and Kevin Harvatine. Effect of acetate absorption on the daily rhythm of milk synthesis and plasma hormones and metabolites in dairy cows. Vol. 103, Suppl. 1. 2020: 37.
Salfer, Isaac J and Kevin J Harvatine. Effect of fatty acid absorption on the daily rhythms of milk synthesis and plasma hormones and metabolites in dairy cows. 2019: 105.
Salfer, Isaac J, Cesar I Matamoros, Rebecca A Bomberger, and Kevin J Harvatine. Effect of protein absorption on the daily rhythms of milk synthesis and plasma hormones and metabolites in dairy cows. 2019: 105.
Chishti, A G, I J Salfer, F X Suarez-Mena, and A J Heinrichs. Effect of Age and Physical form of oat within calf starter on Hepatic Enzyme Expression in Pre-Weaning Dairy Calves. 2018.
Salfer, Isaac J. and Kevin J. Harvatine. The effect of night restricted feeding on the molecular circadian clock of the mammary gland. Vol. 101, Suppl. 2. Journal of Dairy Science, 2018: 405.
Andreen, D M, I J Salfer, and Y Ying. Method for calibrating parlor milk meters and adjusting milk weights for stall effects. Vol. 101, Suppl. 2. J. Dairy Sci, 2018: 268.
Andreen, D M, I J Salfer, Y Ying, and K J Harvatine. Method for adjusting milk weight values for stall variability in parlors with integrated milk meters. 2018.
Ruh, K E, B J Heins, I J Salfer, R Gardener, and M D Stern. Dual flow continuous culture fermentation of organic BMR sorghum-sudangrass and teff grass to determine digestibility of forages in an organic dairy grazing system. 2017.
Salfer, I J, C E Crawford, L W Rottman, Y Ying, and K Harvatine. The effects of feeding rations that differ in neutral detergent fiber and starch within a day on the daily pattern of selected rumen microbial populations. 2017.
Salfer, I J, C D Dechow, and K J Harvatine. The effects of US region on the annual rhythms of milk yield and fat and protein concentration and yield of dairy cattle at the herd level. 2017.
Salfer, I. J., C. D. Dechow, and K. J. Harvatine. Annual rhythms of milk, fat, and protein production in U.S. dairy cattle. Vol. 94, suppl_5. Journal of Animal Science, 2016: 792-792. <http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jam2016-1626>
Salfer, I. J., H. E. Johnson, and M. D. Stern. Comparisons of microbial populations found in the rumen and in a dual-flow continuous culture fermentation system using high-throughput 16S amplicon sequencing. Vol. 94, suppl_5. Journal of Animal Science, 2016: 789-789. <http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jam2016-1621>
Salfer, I. J., J. Y. Ying, and K. J. Harvatine. The timing of feed availability entrains the circadian rhythm of milk synthesis in dairy cattle. Vol. 94, suppl_5. Journal of Animal Science, 2016: 734-734. <http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jam2016-1512>
Larson, H E, I Shinzato, M Miura, S W Fessenden, I J Salfer, and M D Stern. Evaluation of three rumen-protected Lysine sources produced in two different batches using a modified three-step in vitro procedure. Vol. 93, Suppl s3. J. Anim. Sci., 2015: 157.
Salfer, I J, S W Fessenden, and M D Stern. Response to Iso-alpha acids from Humulus lupulus (hops) extract on fermentation by rumen microbes in continuous culture fermenters. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3. J. Anim. Sci., 2015: 155-156.
Fessenden, S W, I J Salfer, and M D Stern. Effects of beta-extract of Humulus lupulus (hops) on fermentation by rumen microbes in continuous culture. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 2. J. Anim. Sci., 2014: 856.
Huang, Z, I J Salfer, P E Urriola, M D Stern, and G C Shurson. Evaluation of in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of high fiber feed ingredients for monogastrics. Vol. 92, Suppl. 2. J. Anim. Sci., 2014: 183.
Magazine/Trade/Industry Publications
Salfer, Isaac J. "Improving milk production with natural circadian rhythms." Dairy Star. Vol. 23, 3rd ed. 2021: 28. <https://issuu.com/dairystar/docs/3-27-21-1star> [Non-Refereed]
Salfer, Isaac. Are your cows seasonal workers? Hoard’s Dairyman, 2019.
Salfer, Isaac J and Kevin J Harvatine. Are seasonal rhythms of milk production giving you the blues? Vol. 39. Farmshine, 2017: 14.
Salfer, Isaac J and Kevin J Harvatine. "Seasonal variation in milk composition." 27th Annual Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference. 2017: 157--166. Apr. 16-18
Invited Presentations. Posters and Exhibits
Seasonal Patterns of Milk Production. Ruminant Research Seminar – UMN Vet School. September 22, 2022. St. Paul, MN
Research Update: Feed Efficiency and Precision Feeding of Cows. Minnesota Nutrition Conference. September 22, 2022. Mankato, MN
Circadian Feeding Strategies to Improve Performance. Minnesota Nutrition Conference. September 23, 2021. Dubuque, IA.
Impact of Daily and Seasonal Rhythms on Nutrition and Milk Production. Carver County Dairy Expo. February 21, 2022. Norwood Young America, MN
Increasing Butterfat During Periods of High Feed Costs. Minnesota DHIA Monthly Meeting. February 16, 2022. Virtual
Salfer, I. J., (Speaker) "Milk components, nutrition, and circadian rhythms of cows," Minnesota Nutrition Conference, Mankato, Minnesota, United States. (September 23, 2021). Invited. Peer-reviewed/refereed.
URL: https://mnnutritionconf.umn.edu/program-agenda
Salfer, I. J., (Presenter) "Impact of circadian rhythms on metabolism and milk synthesis in dairy cows," Ruminant Research Seminar University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, St. Paul, Minnesota, United States. (May 10, 2021). Invited. Peer-reviewed/refereed.
Salfer, I. J., (Speaker) "Maximizing Feed Efficiency in Hight Producing Dairy Cows," Hubbard Dairy Forage Focus Meeting Hubbard Feeds, Virtual. (March 31, 2021). Invited. Peer-reviewed/refereed.
Salfer, I. J. "Considerations for dairy cow rations," Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie Dairy Program (Tunisian National Dairy Program) Northern Crops Institute, Brookings, South Dakota. (November 22, 2019). Invited.
Salfer, I. J. "How cows use nutrients to make milk?," Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie Dairy Program (Tunisian National Dairy Program). Northern Crops Institute, Brookings, South Dakota. (November 22, 2019). Invited.
Salfer, I. J. "Feeding cows for optimal protein synthesis in the mammary gland," Hoober Feeds Annual Dairy Seminar, New Holland, Pennsylvania. (February 6, 2019). Invited.
Salfer, I. J. "Understanding Forage Analysis," Penn State Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop, Hershey, Pennsylvania. (October 31, 2018). Invited. Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2018.
Salfer, I. J. "What should I know about the seasonal pattern of milk composition?," Penn State Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop, Grantville, Pennsylvania. (November 15, 2017). Invited. Nov. 15-16, 2017
Media Contributions
Salfer, I.J. 2021. Understanding the Impact of Daily Rhythms on Milk and Component Yield," Balchem’s Real Science Exchange. March 4.
Honors and Awards
- National Milk Producers Federation Richard M. Hoyt Award, American Dairy Science Association, 2019.
- Alltech, Inc., Graduate Student Paper Publication Award, American Dairy Science Association, 2019.
- Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Penn State Animal Science Department, 2018
- Agriculture and Food Research Intiative Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, USDA National Institute on Food and Agriculture, 2018
- William B. Darrow Graduate Scholarship in Ruminant Nutrition, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, 2017, 2018
- Hintz Memorial Fellowship, National Milk Producers Federation, 2018.
- John Brandt Memorial Scholarship. Land O’Lakes Inc., 2014
- Hueg-Harrison Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 2014
- David V. Josephson and Stuart Patton Mentorship Award in Dairy Science, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 2018
- NIH Training Grant Fellow, Huck Institute of Life Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 2016
- Garth Miller Dairy Science Award, University of Minnesota, 2013
- R.W. Touchberry Outstanding Junior in Animal Science, University of Minnesota, 2012