
Two cows eating hay.The nutrition area of emphasis involves faculty and students with expertise and resources aimed at a number of different areas including determination of nutrient requirements for livestock and poultry; influence of nutrition and feeding management on reproduction and milk production; evaluation of feeding value of alternative feeds; relationships between host and rumen microbes to maximize the nutrient supply for productive functions in the ruminant; and evaluation of feed additives and growth promotants and their effects on growth, feed conversion, meat quality, and economics.

Recently, much of the focus in this area of emphasis has involved evaluating diets and feeding programs aimed at reducing odor and nutrient excretion in livestock manure while supporting optimum productivity. Financial support has been provided from commodity groups as well as a variety of extramural sources. Newly-remodeled laboratory facilities on the St. Paul Campus, construction of new swine research facilities at the Southern Research and Outreach Center in Waseca, MN, and the West Central Research and Outreach Center in Morris, MN, and an outstanding academic environment on the St. Paul Campus and branch stations provides an excellent and unique opportunity for students to increase their knowledge and enhance their career opportunities.