1364 Eckles Avenue
St Paul, MN 55108
United States
- Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2006
- M.S., University of Minnesota, 2000
- B.S., University of Wisconsin - River Falls, 1998
Areas of Interest
Equine Specialist
- CFAN/ANSC 3517 - Shires, Shorthorns and Sheep: Exploring Livestock Systems in England
- ANSC 2055 - Horse Management
- Horse Carcass Composting
- Equine Forage Utilization and Management
- Equine Industry Impacts and Trends
- Estimating Horse Bodyweight and Ideal Bodyweight
- Forage Related Equine Health Issues
- Poisonous Plants and Weed Control
Refereed Articles
Lochner, H.L., M.L. Hutchinson, M.L. Wilson, A.W. Bianco, L.J. Johnston, J.L. Prigge, and K.L. Martinson. 2022. Characteristics and sodium pentobarbital concentrations of equine mortality compost piles in the Upper Midwest. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 114. 104000. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2022.104000
Schuft, A.N., S.S. Boelke, D. DeWitte, K. Martinson and E. Cortus. 2022. Biosecurity education for the next generation. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(2): 125-133. doi: 10.13031/jash.14780
DeBoer, M., A.L. Jaqueth, A. Tuszka, and K.L. Martinson. 2022. Winter blanketing practices: An online survey of North American horse owners. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 113. 103911. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2022.103911
Lochner, H.L., R.D. Swenson, and K.L. Martinson. 2021. Audience Engagement When Disseminating Livestock Information through Infographics on Social Media. Nat. Sci. Educ. 50:e20074. https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20074
Wiering, N., N. Ehlke, D. Catalano, K. Martinson, and C. Sheaffer. 2021. Forage Potential of Winter-Hardy Perennial Ryegrass Populations in Monoculture and Binary Alfalfa Mixture. Agronomy Journal. 113:5,183-5,195. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20837
Prigge, J., C.C. Sheaffer, J.M. Jungers, A.L. Jaqueth, H.L. Lochner and K.M. Martinson. 2021. Forage Characteristics and Grazing Preference of Cover Crops in Equine Pasture Systems. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 103. 103663. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103663.
Grev, A., C. Sheaffer, M. Hathaway, S. Wells, A. Reiter, and K. Martinson. 2021. Apparent Digestibility, Fecal Particle Size, and Mean Retention Time of Reduced Lignin Alfalfa Hay Fed to Horses. Journal of Animal Science. 99(7). Skab158. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab158
Lochner, H., K. Martinson, A. Bianco, M. Hutchinson, M. Wilson, L. Johnston, and K. Dentzman. 2021. Owner and Veterinarian Perceptions of Equine Euthanasia and Mortality Composting. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 99. 103402. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103402.
Gomez, A., A.K, Sharma, A. Grev, C. Sheafer, and K. Martinson. 2021. The horse gut microbiome responds in a highly individualized manner to forage lignification. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 96. 103306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2020.103306.
Reiter, A.S., A. DiCostanzo, M. Webb, J. Zeltwanger, C.C. Sheaffer, A. Jaqueth, and K.L. Martinson. 2020. Forage quality and beef cow preference is affected by wrap type of alfalfa round bales stored outdoors. Translational Animal Science. 4 (3): txaa167. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa167
Jungers, J., Churney, J., Martinson, K, and C. Sheaffer. 2020. Forage nutritive values of modern alfalfa cultivars. Journal of Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. 6:e20076. https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.20076
DeBoer, M., A. Konop, B. Fisher, and K. Martinson. 2020, Dry matter intake, body weight, and body condition scores of blankets and non-blanketed horses in the upper Midwest. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2020.103239.
Catalano, D.N., C.C. Sheaffer, N.P. Wiering, A.M. Grev, N.J. Ehlke, E. Mousel, K.L. Martinson. 2020. Yield, persistence, forage nutritive value, and preference of perennial ryegrass under grazing. Agronomy Journal. 112: 4,182-4,194. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20364
DeBoer, M.L, A.M Grev, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, and K.L. Martinson. 2020. Herbage mass, botanical composition, forage nutritive value, and preference of grass-legume pastures under horse grazing. Crops, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. 6:e20032. https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.20032.
Grev, A.M. M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, K.L. Martinson, J.M. Jungers and C.C. Sheaffer. 2020. Morphology and stem and leaf forage nutritive value of reduced lignin alfalfa. Agronomy Journal; 112: 406-417.
Reiter, A.S, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, A.M. Grev, M.A. Hathaway, W.F. Lazarus and K.L. Martinson. Effect of Alfalfa Cultivar and Bale Wrap-type on Dry Matter and Forage Quality of Large Round Bales in Outdoor Storage. Accepted to Transactions of the ASABE on September 5, 2020.
Wiering, N., N. Ehlke, D. Catalano, K. Martinson, and C. Sheaffer. Forage yield, nutritive value, and persistence of winter-hardy perennial ryegrass populations. Submitted to Agronomy Journal on May 5, 2020.
Schuft, A.N., S.S. Boelke, D. DeWitte, K. Martinson and E. Cortus. Biosecurity education for the next generation. Submitted to Journal of Extension on August 17, 2020.
Lochner, H., K. Martinson, A. Bianco, M. Hutchinson, M. Wilson, L. Johnston, and K. Dentzman. Owner and Veterinarian Perceptions of Equine Euthanasia and Mortality Composting. Submitted to the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science on December 1, 2020.
DeBoer, M.L, A.M Grev, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, and K.L. Martinson. Herbage mass, botanical composition, forage nutritive value, and preference of grass-legume pastures under horse grazing. Crops, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. 2020;6:e20032. https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.20032
Grev, A.M. M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, K.L. Martinson, J.M. Jungers and C.C. Sheaffer. 2020. Morphology and stem and leaf forage nutritive value of reduced lignin alfalfa. Agronomy Journal; 112: 406-417.
Jaqueth, A.L., M. Hathaway, D.N. Catalano, N.C. Linders, R. Mottet and K.L. Martinson. 2019. Using web-based surveys to explore equine industry practices and future research needs. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 83.
Jaqueth, A.L., M. Hathaway, D.N. Catalano, N.C. Linders, R. Mottet and K.L. Martinson. 2019. Using web-based surveys to explore equine industry practices and future research needs. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 83: 102822 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2019.102822).
Catalano, D.N., B.J. Heins, S. Missaghi, M.R. Hathaway, and K.L. Martinson+. 2019. The Effect of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) on Water Quality in Horse Stock Tanks. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 79: 73-78.
Catalano, D.N., R.C. Coleman, M.R. Hathaway, A.E. Neu, E.L. Wagner, P.J. Tyler, M.E. McCue and K.L. Martinson. 2019. Estimation of Actual and Ideal Bodyweight Using Morphometric Measurements of Miniature, Saddle-Type and Thoroughbred Horses. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 78: 117-122.
Catalano, D.N., C.C. Sheaffer, A.M. Grev, M.L. DeBoer and K.L. Martinson. 2019. Yield, Forage Nutritive Value, and Preference of Legumes under Horse Grazing. Agronomy J. 111: 1,312-1,322.
DeBoer, M.L., M.R. Hathaway, K.J. Kuhle, P.S.D. Weber, C.C. Sheaffer and K.L. Martinson. 2018. Glucose and insulin response of horses grazing alfalfa, perennial cool-season grass, and teff during the spring and late-fall. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 72: 108-111.
DeBoer, M., K. Martinson, K. Kuhle, C. Sheaffer and M. Hathaway. 2018. Plasma amino acid concentrations of horses grazing alfalfa, cool-season perennial grasses and teff. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 72: 72-78.
Heuschele, D.J., D. Catalano, K. Martinson and J. Wiersma. 2018. Consumer knowledge and horse preference for different colored oats. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 71: 6-12.
DeBoer, M.L., M.R. Hathaway, K.J. Kuhle, P.S.D. Weber, A.S. Reiter, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells and K.L. Martinson. 2018. Glucose and insulin response of horses grazing alfalfa, perennial cool-season grass, and teff across seasons. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 68: 33-38.
Mottet, R.S., R.D Moon, M.R. Hathaway and K.L. Martinson. 2018. Effectiveness of Stable Fly Protectants on Adult Horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 69: 11-15.
Noland, R.L., M.S. Wells, J.A. Coulter, C.C. Sheaffer, K.L. Martinson, J. Baker, and T. Tiede. 2018. Estimating alfalfa yield and nutritive value using remote sensing and air temperature. Field Crops Research. 222: 189-196.
DeBoer, M.L, K.M. Martinson, M.S. Pampusch, A.M. Hansen, S.M. Wells, C. Ward, and M. Hathaway. 2018. Cultured equine satellite cells as a model system to assess leucine stimulated protein synthesis in horse muscle. J. Anim. Sci. 96: 143-153.
Noland, R.L, M.S. Wells, C.C. Sheaffer, J.M. Baker, K.L Martinson, and J.A. Coulter. 2018. Establishment and function of cover crops interseeded into corn. Crop Sci. 58: 863-873.
DeBoer, M.L., C.C. Sheaffer, A.M Grev, D.N Catalano, M.S. Wells, M.R. Hathaway, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Yield, nutritive value and preference of annual warm-season grasses grazed by horses. Agron. J. 109:5 2136-2148.
Grev, A.M., C.C. Sheaffer, M.L. DeBoer, D.N. Catalano, and K.M. Martinson. 2017. Preference, yield, and forage nutritive value of annual grasses under horse grazing. Agron. J. 109:4 1561-1572.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, D.A. Samac, K.L. Martinson, and C.C Sheaffer. 2017. Forage accumulation and nutritive value of reduced lignin and reference alfalfa cultivars. Agron. J. 109:6 2749-2761.
Martinson, K.L., P.D. Siciliano, C.C. Sheaffer, B.J. McIntosh, A.M. Swinker, and C.A. Williams. 2017. A review of equine grazing research methodologies. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 51: 92-104.
Neu, A.E., C.C. Sheaffer, D.J. Undersander, M.H. Hall, D.M. Kniffen, M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Hay rake-type effect on ash and forage nutritive values of alfalfa hay. Agron. J. 109:5 2163-2171.
Neu, A.E., M.D. Stern, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Undergraduate student learning gains and satisfaction in online and in-person animal science courses. Nat. Sci. Educ. 46:7-7.
Bott, R.C, E.A. Greene, N.L. Trottier, C.A. Williams, M.L. Westendorf, A.M. Swinker, S.L. Mastellar, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Environmental implications of nitrogen output on horse operations: A review. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 45: 98-106.
Catalano, D.N, R.J. Coleman, M.R. Hathaway, M.E. McCue, A.K. Rendahl, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Estimation of actual and ideal bodyweight using morphometric measurements and owner guessed bodyweight of adult draft and warmblood horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 39: 38-43.
Martinson, K.L., M.S. Wells, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2016. Horse preference, forage yield and species persistence of twelve perennial cool-season grass mixtures under horse grazing. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 36: 19-25.
Trottier, N.L., R.C. Bott, A.D. Woodward, E.A. Greene, C.A. Williams, M.L. Westendorf, A.M. Swinker, S.L. Mastellar, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Gastrointestinal nitrogen metabolism of equids and impacts on protein requirement. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 45: 78-86.
Glunk, E.C., M.R. Hathaway, A.M. Grev, E.D. Lamprecht, M.C. Maher, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. The effect of a limit-fed diet and slow-feed hay net on morphometric measurements and postprandial metabolite and hormone patterns in adult horses. J. Anim. Sci. 93: 4,144-4,152.
Glunk, E.C., M.R. Hathaway, W.J. Weber, C.C. Sheaffer, and K.L. Martinson. 2014. The effect of hay net design on rate of forage consumption when feeding adult horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 34: 986-991.
Glunk, E.C., C.C. Sheaffer, M.R. Hathaway, and K.L. Martinson. 2014. Interaction of grazing muzzle use and grass species on forage intake of horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 34: 930-933.
Grev, A.M., E.C. Glunk, M.R. Hathaway, W.F. Lazarus, and K.L. Martinson. 2014. The effect of small square-bale feeder design on hay waste and economics during outdoor feeding of adult horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 34: 1269-1273.
Martinson, K.L., R.C. Coleman, A.K. Rendahl, Z. Fang, and M.E. McCue. 2014. Estimation of body weight and development of a body weight score for adult equids using morphometric measurements. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 2230-2238.
Sheaffer, C.C., K.M. Martinson, D. Wyse, and K.M. Moncada. 2014. Companion crops for organic alfalfa establishment. Agronomy J. 106: 309-314.
Allen, E., C. Sheaffer, and K. Martinson. 2013. Forage nutritive value and preference of cool-season grasses under horse grazing. Agronomy J. 105: 679-684.
Bott, R.C., E.A. Greene, K. Koch, K.L. Martinson, P.D. Siciliano, C. Williams, N. Trottier, A. Burk, and A. Swinker. 2013. Production and environmental implications of equine grazing. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 1031-1043.
Earing, J.E., M.R. Hathaway, C.C. Sheaffer, B.P. Hetchler, L.D. Jacobson, J.C. Paulson, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. The effect of hay steaming on forage nutritive values and dry matter intake by horses. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 5813-5820.
Greene, E.A, R.C. Bott, C. Giguere, K.L. Martinson, and A. Swinker. 2013. Vermont horses vs. twisted tomatoes: A compost case study. J. Natl. Assoc. of County Ag. Agents, Vol. 6, Issue 1.
Schneider, I.E., J.E. Earing, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. Revealing motivations for and conflicts associated with recreational horseback trail riding. J. Forestry 111: 282-286.
Valberg, S.J., B.T. Sponseller, A.D. Hegeman, J. Earing, J.B. Bender, K.L. Martinson, S.E. Patterson, and L. Sweetman. 2013. Seasonal pasture myopathy/atypical myopathy in North America associated with ingestion of hypoglycin A within seeds of the box elder tree. Equine Vet. J. 45: 419-426.
Allen, E., C. Sheaffer, and K. Martinson. 2012. Yield and persistence of cool-season grasses under horse grazing. Agronomy J. 104: 1741-1746.
Dai, J., J.J. Wiersma, B.R. Durgan, and K.L. Martinson. 2012. Influence of time of emergence on the growth and development of wild oat (Avena fatua L.). Weed Sci. 60(3): 389-393.
Martinson, K., T. Bartholomay, K.P. Anderson, C. Skelly, and E. Greene. 2012. Effective evaluation of equine Extension programs. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 3: 616-619.
Martinson, K., M. Hathaway, H. Jung, and C. Sheaffer. 2012. The effect of soaking on protein and mineral loss in orchardgrass and alfalfa hays. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 32: 776-782.
Martinson, K., H. Jung, M. Hathaway, and C. Sheaffer. 2012. The Effect of soaking on carbohydrate removal and dry matter loss in orchardgrass and alfalfa hays. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 32: 332-338.
Martinson, K., J. Wilson, K. Cleary, W. Lazarus, W. Thomas, and M. Hathaway. 2012. Round-bale feeder design affects hay waste and economics during horse feeding. J. Anim. Sci. 90: 1047-1055.
Westendorf, M., C. Williams, A.O. Burk, N. Trottier, K. Martinson, P.D. Siciliano, A.M. Swinker, E.A. Greene, and R. Bott. 2012. Environmental impacts of equine operations: A USDA multi-state project. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 32: 324-326.
Martinson, K., W. Coblentz, and C. Sheaffer. 2011. The effect of harvest moisture and bale wrapping on forage quality, temperature, and mold in orchardgrass hay. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31: 711-716.
Martinson, K., J. Wiersma, B. Durgan, L. Behnken, and F. Breitenbach. 2011. Response of oat and broadleaf weeds to postemergence herbicides. Crop Mgmt. (Online), doi:10.1094/CM-2011-0328-02-RS.
Martinson, K., E. Wieland, and T. Bartholomay. 2010. Evaluation of an electronic horse owner newsletter. J. Extension (Online), 48(2) Article 2RIB5.
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, F. Forcella, J.J. Wiersma, K. Spokas, and D. Archer. 2007. An emergence model for wild Oat (Avena fatua). Weed Sci. 55: 584-591.
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, and J.J. Wiersma. 2007. Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) control with reduced rates of postemergence herbicides. Crop Mgmt. (Online), doi:10.1094/CM-2007-0219-02-RS.
Martinson, K., M. Hathaway, J. Wilson, B. Gilkerson, P. Peterson, and R. Del Vecchio. 2006. University of Minnesota horse owner survey: Building an equine extension program. J. Extension (Online), 44(6) Article 6RIB4.
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, J.L. Gunsolus, and R.B. Sothern. 2005. Time of day of application effect on glyphosate and glufosinate efficacy. Crop Mgmt. (Online), doi:10.1094/CM-2005-0718-02-RS.
Miller, R.P., K.L. Martinson, R.B. Sothern, B.R. Durgan, and J.L. Gunsolus. 2003. Circadian response of annual weeds in natural settings to high and low application rates of four herbicides with different modes of action. Chronobiology Internatl. 20(2) 299-324.
Wiersma, JJ., B.R. Durgan, and K.L. Martinson. 2003. Hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) tolerance to postemergence grass herbicides. Weed Tech. 17: 297-301.
Martinson, K.B., R.B. Sothern, W.L. Koukkari, B.R. Durgan, and J.L. Gunsolus. 2002. Circadian response of annual weeds to glyphosate and glufosinate. Chronobiology Internatl. 19(2) 405-422.
Book Chapters
Shepherd, M., P. Harris, and K. Martinson. 2021. Nutritional considerations when dealing with an obese adult equine. Pages 111-137, Vol. 37. In: Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 244 pages.
Cargill, E., K. Martinson, and L. Hovda. 2011. Cardiac glycosides. Chapter 90, pp. 696-704. In: Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult. Clinical Companion. Small Animal Toxicology. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, IA. 865 pgs.
Martinson, K. and L. Hovda. 2011. Lilies. Chapter 91, pp. 705-710. In: Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult. Clinical Companion. Small Animal Toxicology. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, IA. 865 pgs.
Martinson, K. and L. Hovda. 2011. Yew. Chapter 97, pp. 750-755. In: Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult. Clinical Companion. Small Animal Toxicology. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames, IA. 865 pgs.
Invited Papers, Conference Proceedings, Presentations
K.L. Martinson. 2023. “Feeding the Overweight Horse” “Feeding the Microbiome: An Emerging Science”. Co-Presented with Abby Keegan, Platinum Performance" Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. February 2.
K.L. Martinson. 2023. “Hands-On Forage Sampling” “Equine Case Studies”. Co-Presented with Abby Keegan, Platinum Performance" “Forage Evaluation and Interpretation” “Hands-On Horse Evaluation” Minnesota Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Meeting. Prior Lake, MN. February 4.
K.L. Martinson. 2023. “When Social Media Goes Wrong”. Women’s Agricultural Leadership Conference. Chaska, MN. April 12.
K.L. Martinson. 2023. “Horse Pasture Management”. Hennepin County Environment and Energy Open House. Hamel, MN. April 13.
K.L. Martinson. 2023. “Advanced in Pasture Management” “Hay Feeding Strategies to Improve Horse Health and Economics” “Interpreting a Horse Hay Analysis” “Hands-on Application of Using Hay Analysis in a Horse Feeding Program” “Tips for Managing Overweight and Easy Keeping Horses” “Case Studies” “Composting Horse Carcasses” Iowa Veterinary Medical Association Annual Meeting. Ames, IA. September 29.
K.L. Martinson. 2023. "Hay Feeding Strategies”. Alabama Extension Virtual Equine Nutrition Classes Series (delivered via Zoom). November 9.
K.L. Martinson. 2021. “All About Horse Pastures”. Managed Grasslands Undergraduate Student Course at the University of Guelph (delivered via Zoom). October 20.
K.L. Martinson. 2021. “Composting Horse Carcasses: Perceptions and Practice”. University of Maine Cooperative Extension Compost Webinar Series (delivered via Zoom). March 23.
K.L. Martinson, 2021. “Using Hay Feeders When Feeding Horses”. Tennessee Farmers Coop Equine Essentials Series (delivered via Zoom). March 22.
K.L. Martinson. 2021. “Practical Forage Research You Can Use”. Rutgers Annual Horse Management Seminar (delivered via Zoom). February 15.
K.L. Martinson. 2021. “Physical Evaluation of Hay and Reducing Hay Waste”. Arizona 4-H Ag at Home: Animal Projects – Horse (delivered via Zoom). February 11.
K.L. Martinson. 2021. “Pasture Management”. Tennessee Master Hose Program. University of Tennessee (delivered via Zoom). January 21.
K.L. Martinson. 2021. “Reducing Hay Waste When Storing Round Bales” UMN Equine Conference. (delivered via Zoom). January 21.
Tuszka, A., A. Hanson, K. Martinson, and M. DeBoer. Depletion of Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene Over Time in Alfalfa Hay. Poster Presented at: University of Wisconsin – River Falls URSCA Fall Gala. 6 Dec 2021. River Falls, WI.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. How to Select Forages for Equine Athletes. American Association of Equine Practitioners Convention. Las Vegas, NV (delivered via Zoom). December 1.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. Panelist for the Equine Science Society’s Networking and Informational Series. "Series 8: Equine Extension” (delivered remotely via Zoom). October 5.
K.L Martinson. 2020. Forage Fundamentals. Virtual Horse Management Field Day. University of Tennessee Extension (delivered via Zoom). October 1.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. Fall Pasture Do’s and Don’ts. One Course Equine Nutrition (delivered via Zoom). September 16.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. Reducing Hay Waste. Penn State Equine Team webinar (delivered via Zoom). September 16.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. Podcast Series (n=5) for Equus Prime. Fall Pasture Management. September 8.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. Panelist for the Equine Science Society’s Networking and Informational Series. “Series 3: Teaching in Equine Science” (delivered remotely via Zoom). August 11.
K.L. Martinson. 2020: Buying and Feeding Hay in a Challenging Year. Minnesota Quarter Horse Association Annual Meeting. Onamia, MN. January 25.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. “Planting and Establishing a Horse Pasture”. Nebraska Horseman’s Update. Lincoln, NE (delivered remotely via Zoom). January 22.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. “Pasture Annual Mixes and Considerations for Diseased Horses. UW-River Falls, River Falls, WI. January 11.
Prigge, J., C. Sheaffer, J. Jungers, A. Jaqueth, H. Lochner, and K. Martinson. 2020. Investigating the Use of Cover Crops in Equine Grazing Systems. In Proceedings of the American Forage and Grassland Council Annual Conference. Greenville, SC.
Martinson, K. and C. Williams. 2020. How to Select Forages for Equine Athletes. In Proceedings of the American Association of Equine Practitioners Convention. 66: 45-49. Las Vegas, NV.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. Planting and Establishing a Horse Pasture”. Nebraska Horseman’s Update. Lincoln, NE (delivered remotely via Zoom). January 22.
K.L. Martinson. 2020. Buying and Feeding Hay in a Challenging Year. Minnesota Quarter Horse Association Annual Meeting. Onamia, MN
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Life Hacks for Horse Care. Clearly Lake Veterinary Care, Prior Lake, MN. December 11.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Buying and Feeding Hay in a Wet Year. Farmer's Win Coop Let's Talk Hay Evening, Winona, MN. November 19.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. How Do You Know if Your Horse is Chubby...Asking for a Friend. Community Equine Education Event, West Metro Equine Practice, Long Lake, MN. November 12.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. 10 Years of Grazing and Feeding Hay to Horses. Rutgers University Equine Environmental Management Seminar, Bordertown, NJ. August 20.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Using Hay the Smart Way. An Evening of Wine and Equine, Cream Ridge, NJ. August 20.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Hay. Evaluation and Horse Feeding at the Animal Import Centers. USDA APHIS Miami Animal Import Center Employee Training, Miami, FL. May 22.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Infographics: Education Through Images. CFANS e-Learning Show Case, St. Paul, MN. April 30.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Education the Future of the Horse Industry Round-Table. Minnesota Horse Expo, St. Paul, MN. April 27.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Hands-on: Bodyweight Estimation and Body Condition Scoring. Minnesota Horse Expo, St. Paul, MN. April 27.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Renovating the Pasture You Have. Minnesota Horse Expo, St. Paul, MN. April 27.
K.L. Martinson. 2019. Four Season Forages. Purina Minnesota Equine Nutrition Short Course, St. Paul, MN. April 23.
Reiter, A.S., M.S. Wells, C.C. Sheaffer, A.M. Grev, K.L. Martinson. 2018. Wrap-Type Affects Dry Matter and Nutritive Values of Alfalfa Hay in Long-term Storage. In Proceedings: 2018 Minnesota Nutrition Conference. Pg 219. Mankato, MN.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, D.A. Samac, K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2018. Forage yield and nutritive value of reduced lignin alfalfa. In Proceedings: 2018 Idaho Hay and Forage Conference. Burley, ID.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2018. Yield and forage nutritive value of reduced lignin and reference alfalfa varieties subject to diverse cutting treatments. In Proceedings: 2018 University of Minnesota Animal Science Showcase. Pg 13-14. St. Paul, MN.
Catalano, D. N., C. C. Sheaffer, A. M. Grev, N. J. Ehlke, E. Mousel, and K. L. Martinson. 2018. Yield, Preferencec, and Forage Nutritive Value of Winterhardy Perennial Ryegrass under Animal Grazing. In proceedings: 2018 University of Minnesota Animal Science Showcase. Pg. 14. St. Paul, MN.
Catalano, D. N., C. C. Sheaffer, A. M. Grev, N. J. Ehlke, E. Mousel, and K. L. Martinson. 2018. Yield, Preference, and Forage Nutritive Value of Winterhardy Perennial Ryegrass under Animal Grazing. In Proceedings: 2018 American Forage and Grassland Council Annual Conference. Louisville, KY.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2018. Quantifying morphological development and forage nutritive value of stem and leaf fractions for reduced lignin alfalfa. In Proceedings: American Forage and Grassland Council 2018 Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY. Available online at http://www.afgc.org/ proceedings/2018/ES_Amanda_Grev.pdf
Reiter, A.S, M.L. DeBoer, M.R. Hathaway, K.J. Kuhle, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, K.L. Martinson. 2018. Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations of Horses Grazing Alfalfa, Cool-season Perennial grasses, and Teff. In Proceedings: American Forage and Grassland Council 2018 Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY.
Catalano, D. N., R. J. Coleman, M. R. Hathaway, A. E. Neu, E. L. Wagner, P. J Tyler, M. E. McCue, and K. L. Martinson. 2017. Estimation of actual and ideal bodyweight of miniature, saddle-type, and gaited horses using morphometric measurements. In Proceedings: 78th Minnesota Nutrition Conference. Pg. 259. Mankato, MN.
DeBoer, M.L., M.R. Hathaway, K.J. Kuhle, P.S.D. Weber, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells and K.L. Martinson. Forage quality and blood metabolites of adult horses grazing alfalfa, teff, and cool-season perennial grasses. In Proceedings: 78th Minnesota Nutrition Conference. Pg. 260. Mankato, MN.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, D.A. Samac, K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2017. Yield and forage nutritive value of reduced lignin and reference alfalfa varieties subject to diverse cutting treatments. In Proceedings: American Society of Agronomy 2017 Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL. Available online at https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2017am/webprogram/Paper107334.html
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2017. Quantifying morphological development and forage nutritive value of stem and leaf fractions for reduced lignin and reference alfalfa varieties. In Proceedings: American Society of Agronomy 2017 Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL. Available online at https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2017am/webprogram/Paper109200.html.
Noland, R.L., J.A. Coulter, C.C. Sheaffer, J.M. Baker, K.L. Martinson and M.S. Wells. 2017. Integrating Cover Crops into Corn-Soybean Rotations in the Upper Midwest. In Proceedings: American Society of Agronomy 2017 Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL. Available online at https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2017am/webprogram/Paper106698.html
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2017. Seeding year yield and forage nutritive value of reduced lignin and conventional alfalfa subject to diverse cutting treatments. In Proceedings: 2017 American Forage and Grassland Council Annual Meeting. Roanoke, VA. Available online at http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/Grev_AFGC_Abstract_2017.pdf.
DeBoer, M.L., C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, M.R. Hathaway, A.M. Grev, D.N. Catalano, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Nitrate-nitrogen content of annual warm-season forages grazed by horses. In Proceedings: 2017 American Forage and Grassland Council Annual Meeting. Roanoke, VA. Available online at http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/DeBoer_Schultz_Michelle%20AFGCInterpretive.pdf.
Catalano, D.N., M. McCue, M. Hathaway, A. Neu, R. Coleman, and K. Martinson. 2016. Estimating bodyweight of adult horses. Proc., University of Minnesota Excellence in Equine Research Showcase. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 12.
Catalano, D.N., C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, A.M. Grev, M.L. DeBoer, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Forage nutritive value, yield, and preference of legumes of horse grazing in the establishment year. Proc., 2016 North American Alfalfa Improvement Conf., Madison, WI. Available online at: https://www.naaic.org/Meetings/National/2016meeting/Devan%20Catalano%20Abstract.pdf
Neu, A.E., C.C. Sheaffer, D. J. Undersander, M.H. Hall, D.M. Kniffen, M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Effect of hay-rake type on exogenous ash content of alfalfa hay. Proc., University of Minnesota Excellence in Equine Research Showcase, St. Paul, MN. Pg. 15.
Neu, A.E., C.C. Sheaffer, D. J. Undersander, M.H. Hall, D.M. Kniffen, M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Effect of hay-rake type on exogenous ash content of alfalfa hay. Proc., 77th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 225.
Neu, A.E., C.C. Sheaffer, D. J. Undersander, M.H. Hall, D.M. Kniffen, M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Effect of hay-rake type on exogenous ash content of alfalfa hay. Proc.,2016 North American Alfalfa Improvement Conf., Madison, WI. Available online at https://www.naaic.org/Meetings/National/2016meeting/Abby%20Neu%20Abstract.pdf
DeBoer, M.L., K.L. Martinson, S.M. Wells, C. Ward, and M.R. Hathaway. 2016. Equine satellite cells in culture serve as a model system to evaluate leucine stimulated protein synthesis in horse muscle. Proc.,University of Minnesota Excellence in Equine Research Showcase, St. Paul, MN. Pg. 14.
Grev, A.M., C.C. Sheaffer, D.N. Catalano, M.L. Schultz, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Yield, preference, and forage nutritive value of small grains under horse grazing. Proc., University of Minnesota Excellence in Equine Research Showcase, St. Paul, MN. Pg. 13.
Catalano, D.N., C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, A.M. Grev, M.L. DeBoer, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Forage nutritive value, yield, and preference of legumes under horse grazing in the establishment year. Proc.,University of Minnesota Excellence in Equine Research Showcase, St. Paul, MN. Pg. 11.
Schultz, M.L., C.C. Sheaffer, D.N. Catalano, A.M. Grev, and K.L. Martinson. 2016. Forage nutritive value, yield, and preference of warm season grasses grazed by horse in the upper Midwest. IProc., University of Minnesota Excellence in Equine Research Showcase, St. Paul, MN. Pg. 10.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2016. Seeding year yield and forage nutritive value of reduced lignin and conventional alfalfa varieties subject to diverse cutting treatments. Proc., 77th Minnesota Nutrition Conf, Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 226.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2016. Seeding year yield and forage nutritive value of reduced lignin and conventional alfalfa varieties. Proc.,2016 North American Alfalfa Improvement Conf., Madison, WI. Available online at https://www.naaic.org/Meetings/National/2016meeting/Amanda%20Grev%20Abstract.pdf.
Noland, R.L, M.S. Wells, K.L. Martinson, R.L. Becker, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2015. Supplemental and alternative forage options in winter-killed alfalfa. Proc., Amer. Soc. of Agronomy 2015 Annual Meetings,Minneapolis, MN. Available online at https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2015am/webprogram/Paper93739.html
Grev, A.M., C.C. Sheaffer, D.N. Catalano, M.L. Schultz, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Yield, preference, and forage nutritive value of fall-planted annual grasses under horse grazing at two maturities. Proc., Amer. Soc. of Agronomy 2015 Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN. Available online at https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2015am/webprogram/Paper93427.html.
Catalano, D.N., C.C. Sheaffer, A.M. Grev, M.L. Schultz, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Forage nutritive value, yield, and preference of alfalfa and clover under horse grazing. Proc., Amer. Soc. of Agronomy 2015 Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN. Available online at https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2015am/webprogram/Paper93367.html.
Schultz, M.L., C.C. Sheaffer, D.N. Catalano, A.M. Grev, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Forage nutritive value, yield, and preference of warm season grasses grazed by horses. Proc., Amer. Soc. of Agronomy 2015 Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN. Available online at https://scisoc.confex.com/crops/2015am/webprogram/Paper93540.html.
Grev, A.M., C.C. Sheaffer, D.N. Catalano, M.L. Schultz, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Yield, forage nutritive value, and preference of annual grasses under horse grazing. Proc., 76th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 231.
Catalano, D.N., C.C. Sheaffer, A.M. Grev, M.L. Schultz, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Forage nutritive value, yield, and preference of legumes under horse grazing. Proc., 76th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 230.
Schultz, M.L., C.C. Sheaffer, D.N. Catalano, A.M. Grev, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Forage nutritive value, yield, and preference of warm season grasses grazed by horses in the upper Midwest. Proc., 76th Minnesota Nutrition Conf, Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 229.
Martinson, K., E.C. Glunk, A. Grev, E. Lamprecht, and M. Hathaway. 2014. The effect of restricted diet and slow-feed hay nets on morphometric measurements and blood metabolites in overweight horses. Proc., 75th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 245.
Grev, A., E. Glunk, M. Hathaway, W. Lazarus, and K. Martinson. 2014. The effect of small-square bale feeder design on hay waste, herd bodyweight change, and economics during outdoor feeding of adult horses. Proc., 75th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 246.
Brady, C., K. Anderson, J. Whittle, K. Martinson, and A. Griffin. 2014. Is my horse the right weight?? There's an app for that!. National eXtension Meetings in CA. March, 2014.
Martinson, K.L. and R.C. Coleman. 2014. Is my horse too fat? There’s an app for that! Amer. Youth Horse Council Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Martinson, K.L. 2014. Interpreting and equine hay analysis: Tips on developing a fun, interactive, educational, and hands-on lab. Amer. Youth Horse Council Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Martinson, K.L., A. Grev, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2014. Forage nutritive value, yield and preference of spring planted annual grasses under horse grazing. Proc., 2014 Amer. Forage and Grassland Council Annual Conf. [CD-ROM Computer File], Memphis, TN.
Glunk, E.C., W.J. Weber, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. The effect of hay net design on rate and amount of forage consumed by adult horses. Proc., 74th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 270.unk, E.C., C.C. Sheaffer, M.R. Hathaway, and K.L.
Martinson. 2013. The interaction of grazing muzzle use and grass species on forage intake of Horses. Proc., 74th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 261.
Martinson K.L., and C.C. Sheaffer. 2013. Preference of twelve perennial grass pasture mixtures under horse grazing. Proc., 74th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Prior Lake, MN. Pg. 262.
Schneider, I., Earing, J, and Martinson, K. 2012. Understanding the recreational horseback riding experience: Motivations, conflict and response to conflict. Proc., 6th International Conf. on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Stockholm, Sweden. Pg. 398-399.
Martinson, K., J. Earing, M. Hathaway, J. Paulson, S. Privatsky, and C. Sheaffer. 2012. The effect on hay steaming on forage quality and intake by horses. Proc., 73rd Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Owatonna, MN. Pg. 38.
Martinson, K., R. Coleman, J. Earing, R. Rendahl, and M. McCue. 2012. Estimation of ideal body weight in horses and ponies using morphometric measurements. Proc., 73rd Minnesota Nutrition Conf., watonna, MN. Pg. 39.
Schultz, N.E., M.E. McCue, K. Martinson, N. Frank, and R.J. Geor. 2012. Characterization of the equine metabolic syndrome phenotype – Part I: Biochemistry, morphometrics and breed comparisons. Proc., 2012 Amer. College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum, New Orleans, LA. Pg. 255.
Schultz, N.E., M.E. McCue, K. Martinson, N. Frank, and R.J. Geor. 2012. Characterization of the equine metabolic syndrome phenotype – Part II: Impact of dietary components on phenotypic measurements. Proc., 2012 Amer. College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum, New Orleans, LA. Pg. 256.
Martinson, K. 2012. Optimizing equine forage use. Proc., 10th Annual Mid-Atlantic Nutrition Conf., Timonium, MD. Pgs. 13-22.
Dai, J., J. Wiersma, K. Martinson, and B.R. Durgan. 2012. Development of a predictive model for wild oat growth and development (Abstr. No. 115). Proc., 2012 Weed Science Soc. of Amer. Annual Meeting, Waikoloa, HA. Available online at http://wssaabstracts.com/public/9/proceedings.html.
Martinson, K., E. Allen, and C. Sheaffer. 2012. Horse grazing preference of twelve cool season perennial grasses. Proc., 2012 Amer. Forage and Grassland Council Annual Conf. [CD-ROM Computer File], Louisville, KY.
Martinson, K., J. Wilson, K. Cleary, W. Lazarus, W. Thomas, and M. Hathaway. 2011. Round-bale feeder design affects hay waste and economics during horse feeding. Proc., 72nd Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Owatonna, MN. Pg. 66.
Allen, E., K. Martinson, and C. Sheaffer. 2011. Equine grazing preferences and persistence of twelve cool-season grasses. Proc., 72nd Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Owatonna, MN. Pgs. 72-73.
Martinson, K., J. Wilson, K. Cleary, W. Lazarus, W. Thomas, and M. Hathaway. 2011. Round-bale feeder design affects hay waste and economics during horse feeding. Proc., 2011 Amer. Forage and Grassland Council Annual Conf., [CD-ROM Computer File] French Lick, IN.
Anderson, K.P., E.A. Greene, and K. Martinson. 2011. Ongoing evaluation of the impact and usefulness of eXtension Horses. Proc., eXtension National Community of Practice (COP) Workshop, Louisville, KY. Available online at http://workshop.extension.org.
Martinson, K. 2010. Effect of harvest moisture, bale wrapping, and an organic acid on forage quality in grass hay. Proc., 2010 Minnesota Forage Research Symp., St. Cloud, MN. Pg 35.
Martinson, K. and T. Lentz. 2010. Update on equine processing (slaughter). Proc., National Extension Workshop: The Impact of Major Food Policy Shifts on the U.S. Food Supply and its Producers: Animal Welfare Issue. Invited.
Martinson, K., H. Jung, and C. Sheaffer. 2010. Loss of carbohydrates from water soaked hay. Proc., 71th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Owatonna, MN. Pg. 44.
Martinson, K. and C. Sheaffer. 2010. Moisture and wrapping affects temperature and hay quality. Proc., 71th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Owatonna, MN. Pg. 52.
Martinson, K. and C. Sheaffer. 2010. The effect of harvest moisture, bale wrapping, and the application of an organic acid blend on forage quality and temperature in grass hay. Proc., Midwest Forage Assoc. Annual Meeting [CD-ROM Computer File], Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Martinson, K. and M. Murphy. 2009. Poisonous plants in livestock feeding. Proc., 70th Minnesota Nutrition Conf., Owatonna, MN. Pg. 106.
Martinson, K. and C. Sheaffer. 2009. The effect of moisture and bale wrapping on temperature and forage quality in horse quality grass hay. Proc., Midwest Forage Assoc. Annual Meeting [CD-ROM Computer File], Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Williams, C.A., K. Martinson, and A. Swinker. 2009. Developing forage based online learning lessons for horse owners. Proc., eXtension Annual Conf., St. Louis, MO. Pg. 37.
Brady, C.M., K. Martinson, and E. Greene. 2008. How to incorporate the newest national Extension program (eXtension). Proc., Galaxy 3 Conf., Indianapolis, IN. Pg. 8.
Extension Publications
Martinson, K. 2021. Feeding Drought Stressed Soybeans as Forage to Horses. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Martinson, K. 2021. 10 Tips for Managing Drought Stresses Horse Pastures. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Martinson, K. 2021. Fitting Teff into the Horse Diet. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Catalano, D., J. Hueschele, K. Martinson and J. Wiersma. 2019. Horses display discerning palates for oats. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Catalano, D., K. Martinson and C. Sheafer. 2019. Horses can graze alfalfa and clovers in pasture. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Lochner, H. and K. Martinson. Economic impact of the horse industry. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Martinson K., H. Lochner, J. Prigge, and M. Hathaway. 2019. 10 ways to optimizing and stretch horse hay supplies. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Jaqueth, A., K. Martinson, L. Murry, and M. Digman. 2019. Impact of tedding on alfalfa silage production. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Jaqueth, A. and K. Martinson. 2019. Managing mud on horse farms. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Martinson, K. 2019. Top ten research discoveries in 10 years. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Catalano, D., K. Martinson, B. Heins, and S. Missaghi. 2019. Using goldfish to maintain water quality. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Catalano, D., K. Martinson, B. Heins, and S. Missaghi. 2019. Horse owner survey on use of goldfish in water tanks. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, K.L. Martinson, D.A. Samac, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2018. A comparison between reduced lignin and reference alfalfa varieties. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
DeBoer, M., M. Hathaway, C. Sheaffer, K. Kuhle, P. Weber and K. Martinson. 2018. Amino Acid Profiles in Cool-Season Grass, Alfalfa, and Teff and How it Could Affect Horse Health. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
Mottet, R., R. Moon and K. Martinson. 2018. Products that Help Your Horse Avoid Flies. University of Minnesota Extension Publication
DeBoer, M., M. Hathaway, C. Sheaffer, K. Kuhle, P. Weber and K. Martinson. 2018. Evaluating Glucose and Insulin Levels in Grazing Horses. University of Minnesota Extension Publication.
DeBoer, M., C. Sheaffer, and K. Martinson. 2017. Grazing horses on teff, alfalfa, and perennial ryegrass. UMN Ext. Factsheet.
Grev, A., C. Sheaffer, and K. Martinson. 2017. Preference, yield, and forage nutritive value of annual grasses under horse grazing. UMN Ext. Factsheet.
Martinson, K. 2017. Trail riding etiquette. UMN Ext. Factsheet.
Neu, A., C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, K. Martinson, M. Hall, D. Kniffen, and D. Undersander. 2017. Hay rake impacts ash content in alfalfa hay. UMN Ext. Factsheet.
Catalano, D., M. Hathaway, M. McCue, and K. Martinson. 2016. Estimating actual and ideal bodyweight of adult horses. UMN Ext. Online Factsheet.
Catalano, D. and K. Martinson. 2016. Four methods to determine if your horse is overweight. UMN Ext. Online Factsheet.
Hathaway, M., R. Mottet, A. Neu, and K. Martinson. 2016. Managing over-weight horses. UMN Ext. Online Factsheet.
Martinson, K. 2016. Six ways to slow horse feed intake. UMN Ext. Online Factsheet.
Martinson, K., M. Hathaway, and E. Glunk. 2016. Bodyweight loss: Limit fed diets and slow-feed hay nets. UMN Ext. Online Factsheet.
Martinson, K., M. Hathaway, R. Mottet, A. Neu, A. Grev, D. Catalano, A. Reiter, and H. Lochner. 2016. Costs and considerations when rescuing a horse. UMN Ext. Online Factsheet.
Martinson, K., C. Sheaffer, and M.S. Wells. 2016. Grass mixtures for midwest horse pastures. UMN Ext. Online Factsheet.
Earing, J., M. Hathaway, C. Sheaffer, B. Hetchler, L. Jacobson, J. Paulson, and K. Martinson. 2014. The effect of hay steaming on forage nutritive values and dry matter intake by horses. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 3 pgs.
Grev, A., E. Glunk, M. Hathaway, W. Lazarus, and K. Martinson. 2014. The effect of small square-bale feeder design on hay waste, hay intake, and economics during outdoor feeding of adult horses. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 2 pgs.
Gunder, D., J. Wilson, and K. Martinson. 2014. Nonstructural carbohydrate content of weeds commonly found in Midwestern horse drylots. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 2 pgs.
Martinson, K., E. Glunk, C. Sheaffer, and M. Hathaway. 2014. The interaction of grazing muzzles use and grass species on forage intake of horses. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 1 pg.
Martinson, K., E. Glunk, and W. Weber. 2014. The effect of hay net design on rate and amount of forage consumed by adult horses. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 1 pg.
Martinson, K., M. Hathaway, C. Ward, and R. Johnson. 2013. Managing horses during hot weather. UMN Ext. Factsheet.
Martinson, K. and C. Sheaffer. 2013. Cool-season perennial grasses for horse pastures. UMN Ext. Factsheet.
Earing, J., K. Martinson, J. Lamb, and C. Shaeffer. 2012. Fertilizing horse pastures and hay fields. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K., M. Hathaway, H. Jung, and C. Sheaffer. 2012. Hay soaking: All washed up or a good management option? UMN Ext. Factsheet. 3 pg.
Earing, J. and K. Martinson. 2011. Regulations for manure management on Minnesota horse farms. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 2 pgs.
Hathaway, M. and K. Martinson. 2011. Equine winter care. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K. and J. Earing. 2011. Equine Fencing options. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 3 pgs.
Martinson, K., J. Earing, and C. Sheaffer. 2011. Interpreting an equine forage analysis. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 2 pgs.
Martinson, K., C. Sheaffer, and W. Coblentz. 2011. The effect of harvest moisture and bale wrapping on temperature and mold counts in grass hay. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K., J. Wilson, K. Cleary, K. Ross, W. Lazarus, W. Thomas, and M. Hathaway. 2011. Round-bale feeder design affects hay waste and economics during horse feeding. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 4 pgs.
Rankin, M., K. Martinson, C. Sheaffer, and J. Earing. 2011. Frost seeding forages into established pastures. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 2 pgs.
Undersander, D., M. Hall, R. Leep, K. Martinson, J.L. Sandberg, G. Shewmaker, D. Westerhaus, and L. Whitlow. 2010. Do not feed moldy hay to horses. UMN Ext. Online Publication. 2 pgs.
Martinson, K. 2009. Horse hay suppliers in Minnesota. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K., R. Becker, L. Hovda, and M. Murphy. 2009. Plants commonly found in established Minnesota horse pastures. UMN Ext. Publication. 48 pgs.
Martinson, K., and J. Wilson. 2009. Equine economics: Optimizing horse health and management on a budget. UMN Ext. Factsheet 08645. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K., and J. Wilson. 2009. Humane options for unwanted horses. UMN Ext. Factsheet 08640.
Martinson, K., R. Becker, M. Murphy, and L. Hovda. 2008. Common (non-poisonous) horse pasture weeds. 2' x 3' Poster.
Martinson, K., R. Becker, P. Peterson, M. Murphy, and L. Hovda. 2008. Recommended grass and legume horse pasture species. 2' x 3' Poster.
Martinson, K. 2007. Identification and control of Minnesota primary noxious weeds and weeds of concern in Washington County. UMN Ext. Factsheet. 2 pgs.
Martinson, K. 2007. National Animal Identification plan for Minnesota horse premises. UMN Ext. Factsheet M08457. 2 pgs.
Martinson, K., B. Durgan, and R. Becker. 2007. The eleven primary noxious weeds of Minnesota. UMN Ext. Factsheet 08489. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K., L. Hovda, and M. Murphy. 2007. Plants poisonous or harmful to horses in the North Central United States. UMN Ext. Publication 08491. 44 pgs.
Martinson, K., and P. Peterson. 2007. Buying and storing horse hay. UMN Ext. Factsheet M08463. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K., and P. Peterson. 2007. Common Minnesota horse pasture grass and legume species. UMN Ext. Factsheet 08490. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K., and P. Peterson. 2007. Managing established horse pastures. UMN Ext. Factsheet M08460. 4 pgs.
Martinson, K., and L. Stahl. 2007. Use caution when buying and harvesting ditch hay. UMN Ext. Factsheet M1197. 2 pgs.
Martinson, K., L. Hovda, and M. Murphy. 2006. Plants poisonous or harmful to horses. 2' x 3' Poster.
Martinson, K., A. Sandve, and H. Lochner. 2023. Preventing and responding to a hack of a professional Facebook page. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 124: 104532. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104532
Jaqueth, A.L, H.L. Lochner, W.B. Staniar, and K.L. Martinson. 2023. Employment in the equine industry: insights into job types, salaries, and education. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 124: 104522. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104522
Lochner, H.L., Z.E. Inglis, A.M. Firshman, and K.L. Martinson. 2023 Improving communications surrounding equine necropsies. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 124: 104513. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104513
Lochner, H.L., A.E. Schuft, C.T. Modderman, M.R. Hathaway, M.L. Wilson, and K.L. Martinson. 2023. Enrollment and participant satisfaction in online horse courses for adult learners. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 124: 104517. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104517
Johnson, L., K. Martinson, L. Keener, and M. DeBoer. 2023. A Preliminary Study: Effect of hay nets on horse hay usage, dental wear, and dental conditions in mature adult horses. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 124: 104366. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104366
Nowland, C., A. Bauer, N. Rayne, C. Sheaffer, K. Martinson, and M. DeBoer. 2023. Botanical composition, yield, horse preference, and forage and soil nutrient values of grass pastures treated with different soil amendments. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 124: 104407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2023.104407
Prigge, J., C. Sheaffer, J. Jungers, A. Jaqueth, H. Lochner, and K. Martinson. 2021 Utilizing cover crops in an equine grazing system. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 100: 103548. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103548.
Lochner, H.L., M.L. Hutchinson, M.L. Wilson, A.W. Bianco, J.L. Prigge, L.J. Johnston, K.E. Dentzman, K. Martinson. 2021. Exploring Equine Mortality Composting. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 100: 103551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103551.
Prigge, J., C. Sheaffer, A. Jaqueth, and K. Martinson. 2021. Developing and validating near infrared spectroscopy prediction equations for fresh alfalfa using a hand-held device. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 100: 103559. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103559.
Schuft, A., E. Cortus, and K. Martinson. 2021. An online course to teach and encourage equine biosecurity practices. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 100: 103577. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103577
Lochner, H.L., R.D. Swenson, K.L. Martinson. 2021. Disseminating Equine Science with Infographics on Social Media. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 100: 103583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103583
Tuszka, A. Jaqueth, K. Martinson, and M. DeBoer. 2021. Winter blanketing practices: An online survey of North American horse owners. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 100: 103613. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103613
Lochner, H.L., K.M. Martinson, A.W. Bianco, M.L. Hutchinson, L.J. Johnston, K.E. Dentzman. 2021. Perceptions of Equine Euthanasia and Mortality Composting. Virtual International Symposium on Animal Mortality Management.
Gomez, A., A. Grev, R. Mottet, M. Hathaway, C. Sheaffer, and K. Martinson. 2019. Feeding reduced lignin alfalfa hay modulates the horse fecal microbiome in an individualized manner. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 76: 43.
Grev, A.M., M.R. Hathaway, A.S. Reiter, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells and K.L. Martinson. 2019. Apparent digestibility, fecal particle size, and mean retention time of reduced lignin alfalfa hay fed to horses. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 76: 68.
Reiter, A.S., M.L. DeBoer, K.L. Martinson, M.R. Hathaway. 2019. Effect of β-hydroxy-β- methylbutyrate on protein synthesis of cultured equine myogenic satellite cells. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 76: 72.
Reiter, A.S., M.S. Wells, C.C. Sheaffer, A.M. Grev, M.R. Hathaway, K.L. Martinson. 2019. Effect of alfalfa variety and bale wrap-type on dry matter loss and forage nutritive value of round bales in long-term, outdoor storage J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 76: 92-93.
Catalano, D., B. Heins, S. Missaghi, M. Hathaway, K. Martinson. 2019. Human perception and efficacy of Carassius auratus on maintaining water quality in equine water tanks. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 76: 94.
Jaqueth, A., D. Catalano, M. Hathaway, R. Mottet, K. Martinson. 2019 Using survey results to enhance research: A case study of 3 web-based surveys addressing industry needs and practices. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 76: 109-110.
Neu, A.E., D.N. Catalano, S.J. Schieck, D.K. DeWitte, E.L. Cortus, K.L. Martinson. 2019. Biosecurity education in the equine industry for the next generation. J. of Equine Vet. Sci. 76: 114.
Samac, D. A., S. Ao, M. Dornbusch, A. Grev, S. Wells, K. Martinson and C. Sheaffer. 2018. Lignin reduction in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) does not affect foliar disease resistance. Phytopathology 108(10S):221-222.
Catalano, D.N., R.J. Coleman, M.R. Hathaway, A.E. Neu, E.L. Wagner, P.J. Tyler, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Morphometric differences of multiple equine breed types. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52: 106.
Catalano, D.N., R.J. Coleman, M.R. Hathaway, A.E. Neu, E.L. Wagner, P.J. Tyler, M.E. McCue, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Estimation of actual and ideal bodyweight of miniature, saddle-type, and gaited horses using morphometric measurements. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52: 100.
Catalano, D.N., C.C. Sheaffer, A.M. Grev, N.J. Ehlke, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Yield, preference, and forage nutritive value of winter hardy perennial ryegrass under equine grazing. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52: 102.
DeBoer, M.L., M.R. Hathaway, K.J. Kuhle, P.S.D. Weber, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, R.S. Mottet, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Glucose response of horses grazing alfalfa, cool-season perennial grasses and teff across seasons. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52: 79.
DeBoer, M.L., K.L. Martinson, K.J. Kuhle, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, and M.R. Hathaway. 2017. Plasma amino acid concentrations of horses grazing alfalfa, cool-season perennial grasses, and teff. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52: 83.
DeBoer, M.L., K.L. Martinson, M.S. Wells, C. Ward, and M.R. Hathaway. 2017. Equine satellite cells in culture serve as a model system to evaluate leucine stimulated protein synthesis in horse muscle. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52: 92-93.
Grev, A.M., M.S. Wells, C.C. Sheaffer, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. A comparison of reduced lignin and conventional alfalfa varieties and their potential for use as equine forage sources. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52:100.
Mottet, R.S., R.D. Moon, M.R. Hathaway, H.L. Lochner, M.L. DeBoer, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Effectiveness of stable fly protectants for adult horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52: 97.
Neu, A.E., C.C. Sheaffer, D.J. Undersander, M.H. Hall, D.M. Kniffen, M.S. Wells, D.N. Catalano, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Hay-rake type affects ash content of alfalfa hay. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52:105-106.
Neu, A.E., M.D. Stern, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Comparison of undergraduate student learning gains and satisfaction when enrolled in animal science courses offered in person and online. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52:117.
Neu, A.E., M.D. Stern, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Undergraduate student learning gains and satisfaction in online and in-person animal science courses. Natural Sci. Educ. 46:2017-02-0003. doi:10.4195/nse2017.02.0003.
Reiter, A.S., M.L. DeBoer, K.J. Kuhle, C.C. Sheaffer, M.S. Wells, M.R. Hathaway, and K.L. Martinson. 2017. Variation in nitrate concentration of alfalfa, perennial cool-seasonal grasses, and teff grazed by horses in the upper Midwest. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 52: 45.
Catalano, D.N., M. McCue, M. Hathaway, A. Neu, R. Coleman, and K. Martinson. 2016. Estimating bodyweight of adult horses. Proc., University of Minnesota Excellence in Equine Research Showcase, St. Paul, MN. p. 12.
DeBoer, M.L., K.M. Martinson, S.M. Wells, C. Ward, and M.R. Hathaway. 2016. Equine satellite cells in culture serve as a model system to evaluate leucine stimulated protein synthesis in horse muscle. Proc., University of Minnesota Excellence in Equine Research Showcase, St. Paul, MN. p. 14.
Auwerda, P.M., C. Skelly, G. Shelle, K. Anderson, K. Waite, and K. Martinson. 2015. Evaluating knowledge gained through quizzes in an online employer training program for horse industry professionals. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35: 455.
Catalano, D.N., R.J. Coleman, M.R. Hathaway, M.E. McCue, A.K Rendahl, A.M. Hansen, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Estimation of actual and ideal bodyweight for adult draft and warmblood horse breeds using morphometric measurements. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35: 423-424.
Catalano, D.N., C.C. Sheaffer, A.M. Grev, M.L. Schultz, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Forage nutritive value, yield and preference of legumes under horse grazing. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35: 435.
Greene, E.A., R.C. Bott, C. Giguere, K.L. Martinson, and A.M. Swinker. 2015. Case study of contaminated compost: Collaborations between Vermont Extension and the Agency of Agriculture to mitigate damage due to persistent herbicide residues. eXtension. Feb 1. (Abstr.)
Grev, A.M., C.C. Sheaffer, D.N. Catalano, M.L. Schultz, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Yield, forage nutritive value and preference of annual grasses under horse grazing. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35: 419-420.
Hansen, A.M, D.N. Catalano, R.J. Coleman, M.R. Hathaway, M.E. McCue, A.K Rendahl, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Demographics, body condition scores and owner bodyweight estimations of adult draft and warmblood horse breeds. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35: 389.
Martinson, K.L., C.M. McKenzie, B.C. Colombo, and S.L. Bettison. 2015. Developing and operation an equine hay bank. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35: 454.
Schultz, M., K. Martinson, C. Ward, M. Pampusch, and M. Hathaway. 2015. Novel methods for determining the ideal amino acid profile for a growing horse's ration. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35: 415.
Schultz, M.L., C.C. Sheaffer, D.N. Catalano, A.M. Grev, and K.L. Martinson. 2015. Forage nutritive value, yield and preference of warm season grasses grazed by horses in the upper Midwest. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 35: 420-421.
Glunk, E.C., A.M. Grev, W.J. Weber, M. Hathaway, and K.L. Martinson. 2014. The effect of restricted diet and slow-feed hay nets on bodyweight and morphometric measurements in adult horses. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 194.
Glunk, E., C.C. Sheaffer, M. Hathaway, and K.L. Martinson. 2014. The interaction of grazing muzzle use and grass species on forage intake of horses. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 21.
Grev, A.M., E.C. Glunk, M. Hathaway, W. Lazarus, and K.L. Martinson. 2014. The effect of small-square bale feeder design on hay waste, herd weight change, and economics during outdoor feeding of adult horses. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 195.
Grev, A.M., K.L. Martinson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2014. Yield, forage nutritive value, and preferences of spring planted annual grasses under horse grazing. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 34.
Gunder, D.L., J. Wilson, and K.L. Martinson. 2014. Nonstructural carbohydrate content of weeds commonly found in drylots. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 107.
Martinson, K.L., R.J. Coleman, and M.E. McCue. 2014. Developing, marketing and branding mobile apps for the horse industry. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 142.
Martinson, K.L., M. Palmer, M. Hathaway, and E. Glunk. 2014. Development of an undergraduate online horse management course. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 19-20.
Anderson, K., C. Skelly, K.L. Martinson, K.L. Waite, P.M. Auwerda, and G. Heyboer. 2013. Simultaneous multi-state equine business education program J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 389.
Beeson, S.K., W.J. Weber, J.H. Wilson, D.H. Sigler, E.C. Glunk, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. Investigating the unwanted horse problem in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Texas. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 384.
Earing, J.E, C.C. Sheaffer, B.P. Hetchler, L.D. Jacobson, J.C. Paulson, M.R. Hathaway, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. The effect of steaming on dust concentrations in hay. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 354-355.
Glunk, E.C., C.C. Sheaffer, M.R. Hathaway, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. The interaction of grazing muzzle use and grass species on forage intake of horses: a preliminary study. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 357.
Glunk, E.C., W.J. Weber, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. The effect of hay net design on rate and amount of forage consumed by adult horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 362-363.
Martinson, K.L, J.E. Earing, J.A. Lamb, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2013. University of Minnesota Equine Pasture Management Program. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 387-388.
Martinson, K.L, R.J. Coleman, A.K. Rendahl, and M.E. McCue. 2013. The over-conditioned horse: Incidence and educational opportunities. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 366-367.
Martinson, K.L. and C.C. Sheaffer. 2013. Preference of twelve perennial grass pasture mixtures under horse grazing. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 356.
Privatsky, S.L, J.E. Earing, J.A. Lamb, C.C. Sheaffer, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. Pasture best management practices on horse farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 398-399.
Schultz, N.E., M.E. McCue, K.L. Martinson, and R.J. Geor. 2013. Impact of dietary components on phenotypic measurements for equine metabolic syndrome. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 335.
Weber, W.J., S.K. Beeson, J. Wilson, D.H. Sigler, E.C. Glunk, J.L. Zoller, and K.L. Martinson. 2013. Horse prices and seller reasons from sale barns in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Texas. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 33: 379-380.
Allen, E., C. Sheaffer, and K. Martinson. 2012. Equine grazing preference and persistence of cool-season grasses. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 2. pp. 7-8.
Earing J.E., E.A. Allen, C.C. Sheaffer, J.A. Lamb, and K.L. Martinson. 2012. Best management practices on horse farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 2. p. 52.
Earing, J., M. Hathaway, C. Sheaffer, J. Paulson, S. Privatsky, and K. Martinson. 2012. The effect of hay steaming on forage quality and intake by horses. J. of Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3. p. 465.
Martinson, K., R. Coleman, J. Earing, A. Rendahl, and M. McCue. 2012. Estimation of ideal body weight in horses and ponies using morphometric measurements. J. of Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3. p. 413.
Martinson, K., J. Earing, R. Coleman, and M. McCue. 2012. Body condition score of horses at two Minnesota shows. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 2. p. 52.
Martinson, K., H. Jung, M. Hathaway, and C. Sheaffer. 2012. The effect of soaking on protein and mineral loss from orchardgrass and alfalfa hays. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 2. p. 52.
Allen, E., K. Martinson, and C. Sheaffer. 2011. Equine grazing preferences and persistence of cool-season grasses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31. pp. 291-292.
Allen, E., K. Martinson, and C. Sheaffer. 2011. Yield and quality of twelve cool-season grasses under horse grazing. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31. pp. 284-285.
Anderson, K.P, E.A. Greene, and K. Martinson. 2011. Assessing the impact and usefulness of eXtension horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31. pp. 345-346.
Cleary, K., K. Martinson, J. Wilson, W. Lazarus, W. Thomas, and M. Hathaway. 2011. Round-bale feeder design affects hay waste and economics during horse feeding. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31. pp. 292-293.
Greene, E.A., R. Gilker, and K. Martinson. 2011. Greener pastures, stable footing, and seeking balance: An easy-to-use land stewardship series for all horse owners. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1. p. 320.
Martinson, K., E. Allen, and C. Sheaffer. 2011. Equine grazing preferences of twelve cool season grasses. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1. pp. 674-675.
Martinson, K., K. Cleary, K. Ross, J. Wilson, W. Lazarus, W. Thomas, and M. Hathaway. 2011. Round-bale feeder design affects hay waste and intake during horse feeding. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1. p. 319.
Martinson, K., H. Jung, M. Hathaway, and C. Sheaffer. 2011. The effect of soaking hay on dry matter loss and fructan removal. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31. pp. 278-279.
Martinson, K., C. Skelly, and L. Fisher. 2011. Measuring the effectiveness of a Facebook fan page for equine Extension programs. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31. pp. 344-345.
Schneider, I., A. Date, E. Venegas, and K. Martinson. 2011. Economic impact and demographics of recreational horse trail users in Minnesota. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31. pp. 333-334.
Allen, E., K. Martinson, and C. Sheaffer. 2010. Effect of harvest moisture, bale wrapping, and an organic acid on forage quality in grass. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2. p. 624.
Cleary, K., K. Martinson, J. Wilson, and M. Hathaway. 2010. Round bale feeder design affects hay waste during horse feeding: A preliminary study. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 3. p. 147.
Martinson, K., H. Jung, and C. Sheaffer. 2010. Soaking hay in water to reduce soluble carbohydrate concentrations prior to horse feeding. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2. p. 202.
Martinson, K. and T. Lentz. 2010. Update on horse processing (slaughter). J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2. p. 12. Invited Presentation.
Martinson, K., J. Wilson, T. Turner, B. Colombo, C. McKenzie, and D. Fitzpatrick. 2010. The gelding project. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 3. p. 58.
Wilson, J., K. Martinson, T. Turner, B. Columbo, C. McKenzie, D. Fitzpatrick, and K. D'Amato. 2010. Community service experience, veterinary student training, and owner education via castration clinics for horses of economically challenged owners in the United States. 6th Internatl. Colloquium on Working Equids, New Delhi, India.
Martinson, K. 2009. Using audience response software in equine extension programs. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 2. Abstr. 533.
Martinson, K., and T. Bartholomay. 2009. Evaluating equine extension and outreach programs. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 29:5 454-455.
Martinson, K., and C. Sheaffer. 2009. The effect of moisture and bale wrapping on grass hay. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 29:5 428-429.
Martinson, K., L. Behnken, F. Breitenbach, J. Wiersma, and B. Durgan. 2007. Broadleaf weed control in oat. North Central Weed Sci. Soc., St. Louis, MO. Abstr. 5.
Martinson, K., M. Murphy, and L. Hovda. 2006. Plants poisonous or harmful to horses. North Central Weed Sci. Soc., Milwaukee, WI. Abstr. 50 (Dec.).
Martinson, K.B., and P. Peterson. 2005. University of Minnesota horse owner survey. Amer. Forage and Grassland Council Ann. Mtg., Bloomington, IL. June.
Wiersma, J.J., D. Archer, F. Forcella, B.R. Durgan, J. Ecklund, and K. Martinson. 2005. Validation of the WheatScout decision aid for integrated management of grass weeds in spring wheat. Weed Sci. Soc. Mtg., Honolulu, HI. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. Abstr. 264 (Feb.)[CD-ROM Computer File].
Martinson, K.L. 2004. Using mail surveys to explore new Extension audiences. 2004. North Central Weed Sci. Soc., Columbus, OH. Abstr. 174 (Dec.).
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, F. Forcella, D. Archer, and G.O. Kegode. 2004. Wild oat (Avena fatua) emergence. Western Soc. of Weed Sci., Colorado Springs, CO. Abstr. 57 [91] (Mar.).
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, and G.O. Kegode. 2004. Growth and development of wild oat (Avena fatua). Western Soc. of Weed Sci., Colorado Springs, CO. Abstr. 57 (Mar.).
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, and G.O. Kegode. 2003. Growth and development of wild oat (Avena fatua). North Central Weed Sci. Soc., Louisville, KY. Abstr. 58 [130] (Dec.).
Martinson, K.L., and B.R. Durgan. 2002. Growth and development of wild oat (Avena fatua). North Central Weed Sci. Soc., St. Louis, MO. Abstr. 57 [86] (Dec.).
Kaping, S.M., B.R. Durgan, and K.L. Martinson. 2001. Weed control and crop tolerance in glyphosate resistant wheat. North Central Weed Sci. Soc., Champaign, IL. Abstr. Vol. 56 [188] (Dec.).
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, and J.J. Wiersma. 2001. Weed control and crop tolerance to flucarbazone. North Central Weed Sci. Soc., Champaign, IL. Abstr. Vol. 56 [186] (Dec.).
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, and D.W. Miller. 2000. Wild oat (Avena fatua) control with reduced rates of postemergence herbicides in hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). North Central Weed Sci. Soc., Kansas City, MO. Abstr. Vol. 55. [41] (Dec.). p. 20.
Martinson, K.L., B.R. Durgan, and J.J. Wiersma. 2000. Hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) tolerance to postemergence herbicides. North Central Weed Sci. Soc., Kansas City, MO. Abstr. Vol. 55. [172] (Dec.). pp. 93-94.
Honors and Awards
- 2020 - CFANS Distinguished Extension/Outreach Award
- 2019 - Equine Science Society Outstanding Educator
- 2019 - National Associate of County Ag Agents Communications Awards National Finalist – Newsletter, team
- 2019 - National Associate of County Ag Agents Communications Awards National Finalist – Website
- 2017 - Dean's Award for Distinguished Campus-Based Faculty, University of Minnesota Extension.
- 2017 - American Forage and Grassland Council Merit Award.
- 2014 - British Equine Veterinary Association Richard Hartley Clinical Award. Presented to the authors of the following manuscript: Valberg, S.J., B.T. Sponseller, A.D. Hegeman, J. Earing, J.B. Bender, K.L. Martinson, S.E. Patterson, and L. Sweetman. 2013. Seasonal pasture myopathy/atypical myopathy in North America associated with ingestion of hypoglycin A within seeds of the box elder tree. Equine Vet. J. 45: 419-426.
- 2013 - National University Technology Network Shirley Davis Award for Excellence in Blended Learning for the Equine Business Network. Presented to leadership of eXtension Horse and My Horse University.
- 2012 - State Winner and Regional Finalist, Publication Division, National Association of County Agricultural Agents Communications Contest.
- 2011 - Joint Council of Extension Professionals Team Award. Presented to the HorseQuest Leadership Team.
- 2011 - Equine Science Society Outstanding Young Professional Award.
- 2011 - State Runner-up, Publication Division, National Association of County Agricultural Agents Communications Contest.
- 2010 - State Winner and Regional Finalist, Factsheet Division, National Association of County Agricultural Agents Communications Contest.
- 2010 - State Winner and Regional Finalist, Publication Division, National Association of County Agricultural Agents Communications Contest.
- 2010 - State Winner, Team Newsletter Division, National Association of County Agricultural Agents Communications Contest.
- 2009 - National University Telecommunications Network Shirley Davis Award for Excellence in Synchronous Distance Learning for Equine Webinars. Presented to eXtension and My Horse University.
- 2008 - National Association of County Agricultural Agents. National Communication Winner, Publication Division.
- 2008 - Minnesota Association of Extension Agricultural Educators State Winner, Publication Division.
- 2007 - Minnesota Association of Extension Agricultural Educators State Winner, Fact Sheet Division.
- 2004 - 1st Place Graduate Student Paper, Western Society of Weed Science.
- 2004 - 2nd Place Graduate Student Poster, Western Society of Weed Science.
- 2002 - Carolyn M. Crosby Graduate Fellowship.
- 2002 - 1st Place Graduate Student Paper, North Central Weed Science Society.
- 1999 - 1st Place Graduate Student Poster, North Central Weed Science Society.
- 1999 - Merit Award, University of Minnesota, Ag Professional Field School.
- UMN Equine Conference
- University of Minnesota Monthly Horse e-Newsletter
- Horse Extension Website
- University of Minnesota Equine Extension Program on Facebook
- University of Minnesota Equine Extension Program YouTube Channel
- Mobile Apps
- Online Certificate Courses
- Guest speaking at various local, regional and national horse owner programs and events